The major arcana of 1967

A little known work of art by Australian artist Martin Sharp (1942-2013) is the set of 22 tarot cards featured on the rear side of cover of London OZ magazine number 4, June 1967. Whilst the gold, yellow and dayglo pink foldout front cover poster by Nigel Waymouth and Michael English featuring a couple in tantric embrace is well known and has been reprinted, the tarot cards on the rear remain relatively unknown. They only ever appeared in the magazine - which is now rare - and were not included as part of the front cover when it was reprinted by Big O Posters of London. Previous to this blog, the only reference to Sharp's tarot cards located by this author was a brief mention on the Transverse Alchemy blog. Therein 21 of the 22 cards were reproduced, though without any significant discussion. Martin Sharp was not generally known for revealing an interest in the esoteric or the occult, and apart from the related article on tarot cards which appeared in that specific issue of OZ...